Suggestion of 3 Ways to Travel from Yangon to Mandalay

As one of the most popular and beautiful places to visit in Myanmar, Mandalay is never missed by any traveller in his/her journey to this country. Although international airports are available in Mandalay to pick up the transit flights from Kun Ming (China), Bangkok (Thailand) and Singapore but Yangon should be your first stop. Here we are happy to suggest you some easy ways to get from Yangon to Mandalay.

Travel by Bus from Yangon to Mandalay

Bus from Yangon to Mandalay is available with 2 options:

  • Air-conditioned buses: cost $12/trip
  • Non air-conditioned buses: cost $10/trip

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From Yangon, buses depart 2 times daily at 7am and 6pm and a bus trip will take about 10-12 hours to arrive in Mandalay. You are recommended to go on the overnight bus (departs at 6pm) which helps you to save 1-night accommodation fee. During the route from Yangon to Mandalay, the bus will do 4 stops/trip because there is no toilet on bus.

Get from Yangon to Mandalay by Train

Train is more expensive option than bus and take more time: about 14 – 16 hours to arrive in Mandalay. There are 4 options of train trip for you: 5.00 (express), 5.30, 6.00 and 12.15pm. Specially, the train departing at 12.15pm is highly recommended because it can offers a sleeper and air-condition, which is perfect for long journey. Apart from that, if the train is as late as ordinary, you will arrive in Mandalay just in time for breakfast.

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Flights from Yangon to Mandalay

The price for flight from Yangon to Mandalay is about $92 and take only 1 hour. You can consider some domestic airlines of Myanmar: Air Bagan, Mandalay Air, Yangon Air or Myanmar Air.

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This option is recommended if your budget is not really limited. It can help you save 1 more day to enjoy your time in Mandalay. Anyway, flight is still the popular choice of many tourists. In case you want to spend your time to get more local experience like meeting the locals, you should consider the public transport to have an exhaustive look at their life.

River Cruise from Yangon to Mandalay

Or if you want to try the feeling of how to be a gentleman, you can consider this option. The Myanmar luxury cruises from Yangon to Mandalay are also available. They take about over 10 days to cruise leisurely on the river and may cost you at least $2981 (in low season).

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Comments (6)

  1. Melvin Racinsky says:

    I have just read your web site and as I don’t know how current or up to date it is I have a question about the train from Yangon to Mandalay. We want to leave Yangon by train on Feb 24th and on the 12:15 p.m. departure time.
    Is this schedule still correct and what are the prices for an air conditioned sleeper seat. Can I purchase tickets online and what are the terms and conditions for ticket purchases.

    • Myanmar Private Holidays says:

      Hi Melvin Racinsky,

      Please find the schedule about the train from Yangon to Mandalay:

      06.00 –> 21.00
      15.00 –> 05.00 next day
      17.00 –> 07.45 next day – only this schedule has upper class sleeping-car

      You could choose the method to buy the ticket as below.

      Buy online: Go to 123Go.Asia
      Buy ticket at station:
      – on the day of travel: go to the train station
      – before 1 – 3 days departure: go to the Advance Booking Office.

      I hope the above information useful

      Feel free to let us know if you need any further information!

      Thank you for your interest in our article on, a member of Myanmar Private Holidays:

  2. percy vatsaloo says:

    hi can i buy day tours when i am in mandalay

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